Investigating Parachutes (2024)

Aim: To Investigate the effect of mass on parachute drop time.

Equipment: 1 x 50 cm square of black rubbish bin liner – scissors – 4 x 40 cm lengths of string – 4 x large washers or other suitable masses – 1 x rubber band or twist tie – stopwatch

Hypothesis: What do you think is going to happen? it will float down

Definition of mass, weight and gravity. mass is a measure of how much matter an object contains, and weight is a measure of the force of gravity acting on the object. Gravity is the attraction between two objects that have mass.

Discussion: What Variables did you control so it was a fair test? I control the fact that it makes the parachute float down slower to faster due to weight.

How to make Parachutes?


  1. Using your stopwatch, time how long it takes (in seconds) for the parachute to fall to the ground from a suitable safe platform that is at least 2 m high. Be sure to release the parachute from the same height each time.
  2. Repeat for three trials.
  3. Add another washer to the parachute and repeat steps 1 and 2 until you have used all four washers.

Step 1: Flatten out your piece of plastic.

Step 2: Staple a length of string to each corner of your piece of plastic.

Step 3: Tie the loose ends of the 4 pieces of string together.

Step 4: Attach a single washer to the rubber band.

Step 5: Attach the rubber band to the strings.

Step 6: Your completed parachute should now look like this.

Mini Paragraph – How did adding more mass affect the speed? If we add more weight to the parachute It goes down faster and it makes the time faster. Why? because the weight we add the more down the parachute is.

Variables – weight

It makes it more heavy

Its the amount of mass gravity’s pulling

Yes it slowed the rubber bits.

Weight  Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Average 
1 1.75 1.13 1.691 1.5233333333
2 1.03 1.47 1.10 1.2
3 0.78 0.76 0.79 0.77666666666
4 0.42 0.44 0.40  0.42


Weight Avg time Distance Avg speed (ms-1)
1 1.5233333333 2 m 3.5233333333 ms -1
2 1.2 2 m 1.6 ms -1
3 0.77666666666 2 m 0.92555555555 ms -1
4 0.42 2 m 0.605 ms -1

Conclusion – Did it work? It did work

Would you do anything different? Probably not since it worked the first try

Athletics (2024)

Hi Everyone, Today We are gonna be talking about Athletics yesterday.

It was a short one due to the weather that makes athletics get cancelled.

The only event I did was shot put and I did 2 throws and it went pretty good.

The Events I picked were 100 meters run, Shot put, Long jump and Discus.

The 100 Meter run was about to start but the bell let us know due to the rain the athletics have got cancelled.

The Clothes we can wear that relate to the colour athletics or PE gear. you can also put paint all over you.


Wind Racer Blog (2024)

Aim: We are building a wind racer so that it moves when the wind or the wind blower arrives.

Equipment: Wooden Base, Sticky Tape, Bamboo Sticks, Rope, Newspapers, paint (if you want to) and the wind blower.


  1. We started by building the sail and placing it on the wind racer.

Results: it went 4 meters in 6 seconds


Speed: it speed 4 meters

Forces: friction thrust supports gravity

Balanced or Unbalanced: Unbalanced at first and Balanced at second

How to make it go farther? by use the wind blower

Conclusion: Did it work? it did work at the second one. Would you change anything? I would change anything like the sail since it was busted in the first one.

How to be Safe with Alcohol (2024)

  1. How can you be safe personally at a party with alcohol?
  • Make sure your phone is fully charged before you head out
  • If you are planning on drinking, then it’s a good idea to have something substantial to eat before you start drinking
  • Plan how you’re getting home at the end of your night
  • Always take cash or an eftpos card just in case you need to pay for transport home
  • Don’t wander off from your friends when out and about. It’s easy to lose people in clubs so always let your friends know where you’re going
  • Have a place to meet up with your friends if you get separated
  • Have a glass of water between each alcoholic drink
  • Be aware of the risk of drink spiking – don’t leave your drink unattended or accept any drinks that you haven’t personally seen poured, especially from strangers
  • Make sure you’re going home with the same number of people you started with. Look after your friends
  • Keep to main streets and well-lit areas
  • Save a taxi number into your phone                                                                                               2. Make a list of 5-7 things that need to occur to make sure you and your friends are safe if you are the HOST of the party. 
  • Don’t let others top up your drinks, and go for low alcohol options wherever possible. …
  • To avoid drink spiking, buy your own drinks and watch the bartender make or open them. …
  • Never mix drugs with alcohol or other drugs.
  • Don’t get into a car with a driver who has been drinking.
  •  3. What should you do if a person passes out? Provide a picture that shows what you have explained.    What to Do When Someone Passes Out – Inverted Gear4. What should you do if things get out of hand? Fights, party crashes etc. Tell the host what happened there.


My Tonga (Health 2023) *T4* Level: Legend Task

What is your Taonga? My taonga is PC (Fortnite)
What or why is this item so special to you or your family? This is special because Fortnite is always there for me if I’m upset, have a rough day or I have no one to hang out or talk with.

I have had this in my possession since a couple of years ago

(say how you got access to the special item, and give a bit of background information about this)

Are there any customs linked into your taonga? A few important things linked into my taonga are xbox

(Discuss things such as processes/rules/customs/beliefs if necessary)

What is something you think is interesting or important to share with others about your item? Within my culture or family beliefs, this item is meaningful because it’s the most thing I have done in my life
How does having a special item with value like this, impact on each of the dimensions of your hauora? Having something special or sacred to have in your life can impact you in many ways. 

This will enhance their hauora by playing a couple of solos, killing bad guys and getting the victory Royale

Sharing with a peer Another student in my class had this as their special item is pink pen

It was special and valuable to them because he likes pink and pink is epic

Skin (Science 2023) *T4*

  1. How much does skin cover in square metres? 1.7 square meters
  2. What body system is the skin part of? Integument system
  3. What are the names of the skin layers? epidermis, dermis, and the hypodermics
  4. Where is skin the thickest? Bottom of your feet
  5. Where is skin the thinnest? Eyelids
  6. What are the 3 functions of skin? Protection, regurgitating, sensing
  7. How often are skin cells replaced? 4 weeks or a month

Statistics Report (Maths 2023) *T4*


I wonder if the median Typing speed of males is faster than the typing speed of females for all Hornby High School students..



My variables are Typing speed (wpm) and Gender.


We gathered the data by:

  1. Using a device, students will go on Human benchmark and select the typing speed test.
  2. Human benchmark will give students random paragraphs that students will need to fill out. Students typing speed will be reduced for inaccuracies.  
  3. Students will put their typing speed (wpm) and their gender into a spreadsheet.





  • Center:
    The median Speed Typing of Females is 34
    The median Speed Typing of Males is 23

We can see that Males type faster than Females by 45

  • Spread:

The IQR for Males is 45 

The IQR for Females is 34

We can see that Males have more variety of IQR than Females.


Because the median speed typing of males is significantly higher than females, there is enough evidence that males are faster typers than females at Hornby High School.


Palm Oil (Zane) *T4* 2023

what is palm oil used for? used in the production of foods such as cake, chocolate, biscuits, margarine and frying fats.

Why do we not use palm oil anymore? The palm oil industry is causing major issues to the environment, the animals, and the people in the countries involved, and it damage animals.

Slavery (Social Studies 2023) *T4*

Today I learn about slavery in NZ.

Each day, people are tricked, coerced, or forced into exploitative situations that they cannot refuse or leave. Each day, we buy the products or use the services they have been forced to make or offer without realising the hidden human cost.

An estimated 50 million people were living in modern slavery on any given day in 2021, an increase of 10 million people since 2016.